In the days of a failing economy, and the demand for perfection and wealth, what really is valuable? Do we value our highly priced sports cars, overly priced hair products, or just the little things that are meaningful to us. Do we value the memorable moments that we go through, and we will remember throughout our lifetime? Do we value expensive things just because we spend huge amounts of money on them and would not just throw away money for anything. As I think about what I value, I realize that value does not mean “price” it means the things that I hold tight to my heart, and will never forget.
Finally, today – the best day of the year- my family will be leaving for our annual Cape Cod vacation. As I stumble into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, excitement is building inside of me, like a volcano ready to burst, when I think about all of the mini golf, ice cream, and beach days that I will be encountering when I get down to the Cape. I run downstairs to ask my mom when we will be leaving, hoping that she tells me soon. She doesn’t let me down, saying that once I get all my luggage in the car, we will be on our way. So I run back up the stairs and grab all my bags, throw them down the stairs, and quickly run to fetch them. When I walk out to the car, I can feel the warm sun kiss my skin, knowing that tomorrow I will be spending my whole day laying under this same sun, but I will be relaxing on the warm sand surrounded by the sounds of gentle the ocean. As I stuff all of my luggage in the backseat of my dad's truck (I tend to overpack), and slam the door, I begin my way back to my house, and bug my parents until they finally hop into the tightly packed car. YES! We are on our way to the Cape.
The drive to the Cape is an easy two-and-a-half hours, which is not too bad because my best friend Colleen is sitting beside me, constantly talking or making me laugh. Colleen comes with me on my family vacation every year, and every year is better than the previous. We are always on our bikes through the bike trails along the beach, at the marketplace indulging with ice cream and candy, or at the beach having a blast in the crisp, cool ocean water. The is never a dull moment in Cape Cod, and you never have to worry about what you look like, wear, or do, because everyone is just there for a fun time.
At last, we pull into my aunt’s driveway, just yards from the beach (we stay with her for the week), and Colleen and I are absolutely thrilled. We hop out of my dad’s Chevy truck, bring our bags inside and greet my Auntie. Once we are settled in, Colleen and I walk down the stairs of my aunt’s deck, and we run to our bikes. We hop on, and begin to peddle furiously towards the ocean. We arrive in less than thirty seconds, drop our bikes, and walk towards the dune deck, where we look out to see the beautiful horizon. By now, it is sunset, and the warm glowing colors of oranges, purples, reds and pinks suck me into their beauty, and I am now wishing I could live this moment every day of my life.
It is now six o’clock am, and I awake from my deep sleep to the loud consecutive beeps of my cell phone. Without my cell phone, I would probably be tardy to school more days than I could count. I then grab that evil “sleep-wrecker” device, wipe my eyes, and get ready for a long, tedious day at school. With my phone in hand, I look to see if I have any new messages that I have received from my friends while I was catching up on some beauty sleep. I am not surprised when my inbox says I have three new messages. My soccer practice has been cancelled for today, my essay (that I spent countless hours on) is actually NOT due tomorrow, and my dance studio will be having a potluck dinner tomorrow night. All three of these messages are very important for making sure I am on track with my schedule, thanks to my friends and their obsessive texting. As I run out to my car to wait for my dad who will be driving me to school, I press a few buttons on my phone, and “Party In the USA” begins to fill the car; the tune getting me pumped for a .. not so exciting day at school.
The dismissal bell has rung, and I can finally go home and relax. As I reveal my purple bus pass to my bus driver, I reach for the back pocket of my backpack, and grasp my old scratched up cell phone. Each scratch represents a moment or memory that happened when I had this phone, and the many times I have dropped it when I was to excited or angry to remember that if I break it I will have to pay for a new one. My mom has warned me multiple times of my overuse of my "world connector" device. That is really what my phone is, a world connector device, it keeps me in touch with all of my friends, for just fun social purposed, and for more serious purposes like when they give me news about school or about changes in my constantly changing soccer scheduele. Without my phone, I would be totally out of the loop, confused, and off track – so it is basically my savior.
My phone doesn’t have any “fancy-smancy” touch screen, or have changeable keyboards, but in my eyes, it is like gold. It does what it needs to do for me, and is not so expensive that I am afraid to take it out of my pocket, because, oh my gosh, it will get a scratch. I take it everywhere with me, and I have dropped it countless times without a fuss, so my plain old Verizon flip phone is more valuable to me than anything high-tech and expensive.
Although I constantly have my phone with me, and I only visit the Cape once a year, the relaxation and comfort that that vacation gives me is also given to me by my phone. My phone is like a teddy bear to me, and I am just not complete without it. If I don’t have it, I am an absolute wreck (not to sound obsessed ... but its true), but when I do have it I am comforted, relaxed and in the know with everything going on. I also value my phone and vacations for different reasons, because while my relaxing beach vacation takes me away from the stressful world of homework and gossip, my phone connects me with it. When I am sitting on the warm beach listening to the sound of the waves crash against the shore and dance with the sand, my mind is not really thinking about anything. But on the other hand, when I hear my phone vibrate across my room at two o’clock on a Friday night, with a new text from my friend Amanda telling me that soccer practice is changed to seven the next morning when I am still up watching TV, my mind isn’t exactly in such an tranquil state.
Neither my phone nor my Cape Cod vacations are expensive or elaborate, but two me, they are two of the few things that I really value. My trip to the Cape isn’t any sophisticated trip to Jamaica, but it is a time that I can just relax, have fun, and spend time with the people that I love most in my life. My phone isn’t any hot item either, but just my scratched up flip phone is what I cherish. To me, this is what value means, something that you cherish and hold close to your heart. I really could care less to have the most expensive items, as long as I am getting the best out of everything I have and enjoy life to the fullest, so the little things in my life are what I value and cherish most.